travel suitcase at home

You packed your bags - don't forget your travel insurance 

By: CAA North & East Ontario
Published Date:
Modified Date: September 16, 2024

3 Minute Read

Every year, according to the Government of Canada, around 375,000 Canadians head south to enjoy the sun, catch up with seasonal friends and play golf. For many, it’s a safer option than shovelling snow all winter…but mishaps still happen far from icy driveways.  

Sometimes, things don’t go as planned. Every year claims are made by snowbirds who face unexpected travel and health issues. From cancelled trips to medical emergencies, it is always better to be protected. But don’t take it from us. Take it from the 25,273 travellers protected by CAA Travel Insurance in 2022. 

Travel insurance is there for you

Fort Lauderdale Beach at sunrise from drone point of view

FilippoBacci | iStock

Meet Traveller A, a Canadian Snowbird. Traveller A loved flying solo for their retirement. With a home away from home in Florida, this snowbird spends most of the winter down south. They were always prepared and purchased emergency medical insurance for their extended stay. 

The $5,909.41 Premium Traveller A spent was nothing compared to the claim amount Traveller A filed. Nearly a month into their stay, Traveller A slipped, climbing out of bed and knocking their head on the nightstand. They were able to hit an emergency alert button and were taken to the closest emergency room.  

Traveller A suffered head trauma from their fall. A CT scan revealed they had low blood sodium and a tumour near their brain, causing severe confusion. A long-term hospital stay was likely, but after ten days, they were considered stable enough and flown by air ambulance back to Canada. After a month in the hospital, Traveller A finally returned home.  

While their winter stay in Florida may have been cut short, Traveller A was happy to have emergency medical insurance for their travels. CAA Travel Insurance was on their side to cover their claim cost of $144,000 CAD, and to ensure Traveller A had the care they needed. 

Protect yourself against falls

Slips and falls can happen anywhere and at any time. For Traveller B, a fall in Mexico cancelled their golfing plans. Luckily, they had travel insurance. 

As an avid golfer, Traveller B planned a weeklong trip to Mexico and was excited to try out a new course. While getting ready for a day on the green, Traveller B tripped over his golf bag. They injured their head, abdomen and chest and called the front desk for help. They were rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery.  

After a long stay at the hospital, Traveller B finally made it home from Mexico without playing a single round. The $127.60 premium collected from Traveller B seemed small compared to the total claim for Traveller B’s stumble. Travel Insurance ensured Traveller B’s safety and paid out a claim of $419,000. Their insurance worked with Traveller B’s family and golf buddies to find a hospital bed in Canada and an air ambulance to bring them home. 

Travel insurance goes the distance

CAA Travel Insurance goes the distance to bring families together and keep them safe. Sometimes things don’t go as planned when heading south for the winter.  

Travellers C and D decided to take the scenic route to their winter home in Florida instead of flying. Together, they planned to explore the American Midwest on a road trip. Travellers C and D packed their cars and ensured they had the travel insurance they needed. With a $2,973.43 premium paid, Travellers C and D began their Midwestern road trip. 

The Travellers had planned to meet in Montana, but Traveller C found themselves alone at the rest stop they had planned to meet at.  

Two days later, Traveller D was discovered in their car three hours from the designated meeting spot, confused and injured. Traveller D was airlifted to a local hospital and reunited with Traveller C. We were there with the Travellers every step of the way as Traveller D was moved for specialized treatment and surgery and arranged for the Travellers to be airlifted to a Canadian hospital.  

CAA Travel Insurance ensured Traveller D received the care they needed and supported Traveller C along the way, and covered the claim of $130,000.  

Protect your travels

Make sure you travel protected with CAA Travel Insurance, contact a CAA Travel Consultant or get a quote online.