Cute Main Coon

How to keep your cat purrfectly happy while working from home

By: CAA North & East Ontario
Published Date:
Modified Date: September 16, 2024

1 Minute Read

Working remotely with a cat has its challenges. While they are adorable, your fur friend may frequently feel the need to stretch out on the keyboard or interrupt video calls with a loud display of cat vocals. But there are a few simple things you can do to keep your cat happy while working from home.

Take playtime breaks

You know what they say about all work and no play. Set a timer to take regular snuggle breaks with your cat. If your cat frequently meows in your video calls, take a few minutes to play with them just before meetings. 

Create an area for your cat

If you are tired of having your cat napping on your keyboard while you work at home, create a more appealing spot for them, like a plush pet bed where they can relax in the warm sunshine. Alternatively, put an old keyboard next to yours so they have a perch that feels important.

Keep your cat entertained

 Does your cat frequently meow or destroy your furniture? Sounds like they are bored. To keep your pet entertained as you work, add a scratching post, climbing structures and toys.

Maintain a meal schedule

You aren't the only one who can get hangry. Your cat wants to know when to expect the next meal. To keep your cat happy, stay consistent with the meal schedule with healthy food featuring natural ingredients.

Let your cat get enough sleep during the day

 Did you know your cat can need up to 16 hours of sleep per day? Unfortunately, your noisy computer alerts and video meetings might get in the way of much-needed naps. Try wearing headphones or reducing your computer volume and the intensity of your ring light while you work from home.



Protect your pet

While working at home, we get to spend more time with our cats than ever before. But there is there more to consider than just keeping them happy. We should also keep our pets healthy, which begins with CAA's Pet Insurance provider, Pets Plus Us.

Find more information online or call 1-833-323-2456