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Why you should review your auto insurance before you renew

By: CAA North & East Ontario
Published Date:
Modified Date: September 16, 2024

2 Minute Read

Do you know your auto insurance renewal date? Most people don't. Luckily, it's easy to find. Just look for that pink auto insurance slip in your glove box, wallet or digital wallet. Knowing that date can help send auto insurance savings your way. Here's why.

Schedule a policy review 60 days before your insurance renewal date.

Insurance providers automatically renew your existing policy into a new one and just bill you for it. That assumes your driving habits have stayed the same and doesn't factor in potential savings. So as a first step, find your pink auto insurance slip. 

Once you find it, schedule a policy review with your Insurance Agent or Broker 60 days before that. Discuss if anything has changed over the past year. For instance, are you working from home and driving less now? Are you walking or biking to more places instead of taking your car? Do you find yourself driving mostly on weekends? Any of those could send auto insurance savings your way.

Once your insurance professional knows your current driving habits, they will be able to make sure you have the right coverage at the very best rate. Starting the conversation 60 days before your expiry date gives you time to "shop around" carefully for the best possible coverage. Plus, insurance providers typically honor their quotes for 60 days. 

Not checking your pink auto insurance slip and letting your insurance automatically renew means you may no longer have proper coverage and you may be missing out on a better rate.

Could you save more on auto insurance by changing your coverage?

Driving habits have changed over the past few years and many of us have discovered the joys of working remotely and using our bikes or walking more. If you drive less than 12,000 km each year, you may benefit from CAA MyPace™, Canada's only pay-as-you-go auto insurance payment program.

With this program, you pay a base rate plus your first 1,000 km. Then you purchase coverage in 1,000 km increments, paying only for the distance you drive. You can always switch from CAA MyPace to traditional CAA Insurance¹—with no fees or penalties—if your needs ever change. On average, CAA's pay-as-you-go policyholders save 50 per cent on their auto insurance costs compared to a traditional policy.™

Besides saving on your premium, are you getting all the benefits you deserve?

Saving on auto insurance is great, but what does your coverage include? For instance, is your good driving record and rate protected after your first at-fault accident or minor conviction?

Look for providers that throw in handy little extras like savings for being a driver with a long-standing safe driving record, or savings for changing to winter tires. CAA Auto Insurance offers these benefits. Plus, if you bundle it with CAA Home Insurance, you receive complimentary tire coverage, too.

CAA Insurance gives complimentary policy reviews.

At CAA Insurance, we want to make sure everyone has the right coverage. That's why we offer complimentary, no-obligation policy reviews before your insurance renewal date. You don't have to be a CAA Member or have CAA Auto Insurance to get one. Simply book an appointment to talk to a licensed CAA Insurance Agent and see if you have the right coverage for your needs. Once you hear about the competitive rates and how CAA Members can save up to 20%² on CAA Auto Insurance, you may decide it's worth switching.

1 Auto and Property Insurance and Tire Coverage are underwritten by CAA Insurance Company. Certain conditions, limitations and underwriting guidelines apply.

2 To qualify for the discount, you must be a current CAA Member in good standing (CAA Membership dues paid in full by Membership expiry date). Everyday Members maximum savings on auto insurance is 5%.

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