A close up of a man's hand, opening a car, holding a car door handle, we see it in a day light

Misadventures on the road

By: CAA North & East Ontario
Published Date:
Modified Date: September 16, 2024

2 Minute Read

When it comes to driving long distances, a CAA Membership is a small price to pay for peace of mind. Just ask CAA Premier Member Cameron C. The Ottawa native and third-year engineering student at Nova Scotia's Acadia University was making his way back to the east coast for school when he learned the true value of being a CAA Member. It was the start of the fall semester, and Cameron and his friend, a fellow student Andrew Best were driving back to Nova Scotia. As they made their way across Quebec, the boys stopped at McDonald's for lunch. Just as they sat down, Andrew realized that he didn't have his car keys and that they were locked in the vehicle. "We were in the middle of nowhere, far from anyone we know who could've helped us, and no one around us spoke English," Cameron says. "It wouldn't have been easy to find a locksmith in such a small town, let alone in a different language," he says. Fortunately, Cameron could rely on his CAA Premier Membership. "I wasn't sure if they could help, since we were in a different province and nowhere close to a city, but I thought it was worth a try," he explains. "So I called and was surprised when the agent said ‘no problem." The agent reassured Cameron that help was on the way; she dispatched a CAA Roadside Assistance vehicle and said it would be there in 40 minutes or less. "The CAA truck came in 15 minutes," Cameron remembers. "The technician took out his tools, and five minutes later, we were back out on the road." For Cameron, a CAA card isn't just a piece of plastic in his wallet to be used on rare occasions. It offers peace of mind each and every time you're in a car, anywhere in Canada and the United States, even if you're the passenger. That's because CAA covers the Member and not just their car. "A CAA Membership is totally worth it," Cameron says.

Extend the benefits

Give yourself peace of mind knowing that your family members are covered, no matter whose vehicle they're in. Whether they're headed to an early morning practice, work, school or out with friends for the night, CAA gives them—and you—the reassurance of knowing that they're protected 24/7 by CAA's trusted emergency roadside service program. Adding family members to your account is easy. Simply log into your CAA My Account and add them under the Associates section. Or contact CAA's Membership sales call centre at 1-844-252-3648, and a CAA representative will assist you.