
Make life golden

Spend your retirement exploring the world but make sure you stay protected from unexpected travel and medical expenses with CAA Travel insurance for seniors and snowbirds. Plus, CAA Members save up to 20%1 on their policy. Don’t have a CAA Membership? Sign up now to take advantage of incredible deals and savings. CAA Memberships start at just $302 a year, plus tax. Have questions? Call 1-800-267-8713 or visit a CAA Store to meet with a CAA Travel Consultant.

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Find peace of mind with CAA Travel Insurance

How does travel insurance change for people over 60? You may feel as fit as you did in your twenties or you may be developing some health conditions. In either case, here’s what you need to know about travel insurance for seniors and snowbirds.


You’ll need to answer a medical questionnaire

before you’re eligible to buy a travel medical insurance plan. CAA's simple questionnaire makes it easy to get a quote online.

If you have a pre-existing medical condition

you’ll need to be stable for three months prior to each departure date if you're between age 60 and 69 (or six months if you’re 70 and over).3

Diabetes becomes more expensive.

Diabetes is a manageable condition but when you turn 60, travel insurance rates will increase due to increased risk of complications.

Your rates will increase every five years

at 60, 65, 70 – you get the picture. As you age, the risks increase, so your travel insurance coverage will make sure you’re covered no matter what.

Insurance coverage options and benefits4

Dental work if you’re hit in the mouth


Emergency dental pain 


Medical follow-up in Canada

$1,000 semi-private room, private nursing $50

Getting family/travel companions home

Economy flight and $1,500 accommodation and meals

Help for your pet

$500 to return your pet

$300 commercial kennel

$300 vet cost in the event of an accident 


Up to $300 for the replacement at your trip destination of prescription eyeglasses due to theft, loss or breakage during your trip and assistance to coordinate the replacement.

Hearing aid

Up to $200 for the replacement at your trip destination of a hearing aid due to theft, loss or breakage during your trip and assistance to coordinate the replacement. Does not include batteries or ear molds.

Bringing your car home

Reasonable costs 

Return of deceased 

Reasonable costs 

Cancel for any other reason 

Get 75% coverage when you cancel for any other reason, if your travel is booked through CAA Travel (within 72 hours or when penalty applies) or 50% cancel for any reason if you book with your travel agent through another provider.

Interruption for any other reason 

Interruption for any other reason (up to $2,500) would be 75% coverage if you interrupt your trip for any other reason when you book with CAA Travel or 50% coverage if you book your travel through another provider. To use interruption for any other reason, you must be at your destination for at least 48 hours.

Before you leave (trip cancellation)

To the amount you purchase

After you have left (trip interruption) 

Reasonable cost to either continue your travel or return home, plus the cost of unused travel services

Denied boarding or entry due to health rules (including COVID-19) or mistaken identity 

Reasonable cost for food and accommodation related to a delay in returning home. You won’t have coverage if there was an “Avoid non-essential travel” or “Avoid all travel” advisory in place or if you haven’t taken the steps prescribed by the government.

Return trip delay

Reasonable cost to return home 

Continue your trip after coming home (Bounceback) 


Lost or damaged baggage (if you choose to add this) 

Up to $1,500

Travel accident insurance (if you choose baggage option) 

Flight Accident $100,000 & Travel Accident $50,000

Take it from our Members

CAA has been my go-to for travel insurance every time I leave Canada. I always feel well-protected and more at peace when I use CAA for trips.

Cassandra B.

Travel FAQ

Yes! Even if you are over 60, you are still eligible for our travel insurance plans as long as you complete our medical questionnaire.

Unfortunately, once you reach the age of 60, your insurance rates will increase due to the increased risk of health complications. These premium increases will not be detrimental, but they are something to consider when planning out your travel budget.

Starting at age 60, you can expect your premiums to increase every five years at ages: 60, 65, 70... etc. 

You can still get travel insurance with pre-existing medical conditions, as long as you’ve been stable for three or six months. If you’re 70 and over, you will be eligible to purchase our travel insurance for seniors.

If you have diabetes, you’ll still be able to get travel insurance but once you are over 60 with diabetes, the price of our premiums increases significantly due to the increased risk of a health incident with your condition.

For travellers 69 and under, you must be in stable condition for three months before each departure date. For travellers 70 and over, you must be in stable condition for six months before your departure date.

For those age 60 and above, any medical conditions you knew of prior to purchasing travel insurance are considered “pre-existing medical conditions” and you’ll need to declare them. These conditions can range from high cholesterol and diabetes to cancer.

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