dog napping on chair in front of a fire

Great big Canadian adventures with your four-footed friends

Great big Canadian adventures with your four-footed friends

Published Date:
Modified Date: September 16, 2024

3 Minute Read

The look of dejection on your dog’s face as you drop them off at the kennel before setting out on a summer vacation is tough – but it’s probably easier than taking a pet with you, right?  

 Not if you prepare and do a little research. Travelling with a pet does have its own challenges, but here are some tips to make the most of your great big adventure together. 

 Purrfect Tip No. 1 

You may dream of hiking the Rockies with your dog, but first ask the vet if your pet’s health, age and obedience are up to it. Some dogs find constant change stressful.  

 Purrfect Tip No. 2 

Update vaccinations for heart worm, Lyme disease (depending on your destination), rabies, distemper and kennel cough. If your dog takes medications, pack more than you need. Also consider pet insurance to cover the unexpected. CAA Members get 13.5%* off new policies. Call  1-833-323-2456  or visit for a quote.  

 Purrfect Tip No. 3  

Confirm your pet-friendly accommodation has what you need – and they know exactly who’s coming to visit.  Some offer pet-sitting and enclosed runs, others allow pets if the rules are followed. Your CAA Travel Consultant can help plan a pet-friendly experience. Visit or call 1-866-279-7790

 Purrfect Tip No. 4 

How happy is your pet in the car? Take your furball out on a few excursions to make sure they enjoy the ride. Many pets experience car anxiety if their only regular trips are to the vet. 

 Purrfect Tip No. 5 

Your pet should be crate-trained before you go. Get expert advice when buying a leak-proof, ventilated, and comfortable crate. (Some pets may prefer a specialized pet seatbelt.) Check out other ways to save on supplies at  

 Purrfect Tip No. 6 

Do not take pets into wilderness areas off leash – your recall skills may be great, but there are poisonous plants, predators and dangerous terrains to consider. Always carry water as natural streams can contain agricultural runoff and tummy-upsetting bugs. If you get a dog backpack to share the load, the contents should not be more than one-third of their body weight.  

 Travel across Canada with the help of CAA Travel  

Explore somewhere new in Canada this season with your fluffy best friend. Go online to book a hotelor flight, or car rental (don’t forget Rental Vehicle Damage Insurance).  

You can also go online for out-of-province travel insurance, as OHIP doesn't cover everything once you leave Ontario. CAA Members save up to 20% on CAA Travel Insurance! 

Let us plan your next vacation, keep your family protected with travel, auto and pet insurance, and help you save with CAA Rewards


*CAA Members receive a preferred rate of 13.5% off. Non-members receive a preferred rate of 9% off.

All pet insurance plans have limitations and exclusions. Specific products, features, rates, and discounts may vary by province and territory, eligibility, and are subject to change. Medical Conditions that are noted, symptomatic or diagnosed prior to enrollment, or during a waiting period are pre-existing to Coverage and not eligible for reimbursement. Waiting periods, annual deductible, co-insurance, benefit limits and exclusions may apply. This advertisement is an outline only; policy terms and conditions 'User Guide' will prevail. For all terms and conditions visit:

© 2022 All rights reserved. Pets Plus Us Pet Insurance policies are underwritten by Northbridge General Insurance Corporation, distributed by PTZ Insurance Services Ltd. & Société d'Assurances Collectives (Sodaco) Inc. in Quebec. Sodaco is registered with Autorité des marches financiers as a property and casualty insurer (Reg#603622) Pets Plus Us Pet Insurance is available in all provinces and territories. Pets Plus Us®, Pets Plus Us & Design and related words and logos are trademarks and the property of PTZ Insurance Services Ltd.