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The Big 3 Health Care Costs for Kids: Dental, Braces & Eyeglasses

Published Date:
Modified Date: September 16, 2024

3 Minute Read

How to minimize costs for health and dental insurance when you have a family.

The health care needs of children aged six months to 12 years, and into their teens, are quite unique. After all, their bodies are still growing and changing every day. Intervening in a child’s dental health or vision at an early age may help to minimize or avoid problems and higher costs down the road.

Is it too early for the dentist?
According to the Canadian Dental Association, you should bring your child in for their first dental checkup within six months of the first tooth, or at the age of one.¹ A dentist examining a toddler may want to take X-rays to check for decay between teeth, and to help get a sense of whether crooked or crowded teeth could be a problem in the future.²

Primary teeth will stay in your child’s mouth until about the age of 12. Even though they’ll eventually fall out, it’s very important to stop tooth decay in its tracks, to minimize or eliminate the spread of decay and maintain good oral health. In some cases, a dentist may recommend an extraction.³

Sometimes when a baby tooth falls out, the teeth on either side can opportunistically shift into that space. This may influence or obstruct the permanent tooth when it comes in. Your dentist may recommend inserting a plastic or metal spacer to maintain a healthy clearance for the permanent tooth when it starts to come in.⁴

Brace yourself for the cost of braces!
Permanent adult teeth make their debut in children between the ages of 6 and 9. When this happens it’s not unusual for a dentist to recommend seeing an orthodontist for a consultation. Orthodontists look for correctable issues like tooth crowding and jaw misalignment resulting in an overbite or underbite.⁵

Orthodontic treatments are notoriously expensive and can take up to two years. Many orthodontists allow payments in installments. But don’t despair. The good news is you can get health and dental insurance plans that help families cover the cost of braces, too.

Worried about your child adjusting to braces? Don’t. Children’s bones are softer and more pliable than adults’, so generally, braces are easier on them. It often takes less time to correct the teeth of a child than an adult!⁶

There’s less of a stigma for children getting braces these days too. Some orthodontists offer brightly coloured, even social media-worthy braces designed to appeal to children! Other options include “invisible” braces for children who are more self-conscious.

The science and technology of orthodontics is constantly changing, and a good orthodontist will be on top of what’s new and what’s popular.

How do you know if your child needs glasses?
Does your child squint,  sit too close to the TV,  lean in just a little too much to the laptop, or rub their eyes a lot? It could mean they need glasses and it’s time to see the optometrist. Vision issues, apart from helping your children see clearly, can also affect their ability to learn and perform in school.⁷

According to the Canadian Association of Optometrists, children should have their first eye exam between the ages of six and 12 months, then annually throughout their school years.⁸

Up to 4% of children have amblyopia, which is more often referred to as “lazy eye”, a correctable condition which could require vision therapy, eyeglasses or contacts.⁹

Individual insurance plans can help offset the cost of routine and unexpected health expenses for your children. To find out information on health and dental insurance through CAA Protect,

For more information or to book an appointment for health and dental insurance through CAA Protect, you can call 1-800-709-5809 or go online.

Book an Appointment


1, 2, 3, 4 Canadian Dental Association, Your Child’s First Visit: http://www.cda-adc.ca/en/oral_health/cfyt/dental_care_children/first_visit.asp

5, 6 Today’s Parent, Does Your Kid Really Need Braces: https://www.todaysparent.com/kids/school-age/does-your-kid-really-need-braces/7, 8, 9 Toronto Star, How to Tell if Your Child Needs Glasses: https://www.thestar.com/life/2016/09/15/how-to-tell-if-your-child-needs-glasses-and-to-make-sure-they-wear-them.html

To speak to a professional who can guide you to the right coverage from the right insurer at the right price call us at 1-800-709-5809 or email us at [email protected]