A couple are nestled together and the girl hold a heart shaped stone in hand

Got a question about CAA? Our Members have the answers!

Published Date:
Modified Date: September 16, 2024

2 Minute Read

Interested in a CAA Membership? We're sure you've turned to Google. Recently, we searched the platform for the most commonly asked questions about CAA. Turns out, our CAA Members have the answers to your most pressing questions. 

Here are their inspiring and heartfelt stories about how CAA has made their lives a little better.

Does CAA cover me in the USA?

Photo of CAA Member Bob Strachan, playing golf

Bob Strachan, Premier® Member since 1999.

“A few years ago, four of us old guys went to Florida for a week of golf near Sarasota. One evening, we were heading out to dinner on a busy four lane road. The rental car engine started to sputter and cough and finally die. While our host ranted about the rental company, and then the car manufacturer, we checked the gas gauge and - yes - we were below empty. Luckily, I had my CAA card and we called emergency service. Within about 15 minutes, a service vehicle arrived with a very courteous operator. He got us safely on our way. Great service in another country. We have never let our host forget that he ran out of gas and that it took a CAA Member to bail him out!"

What does CAA Membership include?

Photo of CAA Member David McAllum (left)

David McAllum, Classic® Member since 1988. 

“My mother bought me a Membership in 1988. The cost of the Membership paid for itself instantly, as I would lock my keys in my car or had a vehicle towed after a breakdown in the middle of the night. They’ve even brought me gas! I did many road trips with the famous CAA TripTiks®. I also would flash my CAA Membership card when travelling at hotels/motels to get a cheaper rate. Now I seem to be using it a lot at restaurants, even going for a coffee saves you money! It has been over 33 years now and I still renew my membership every year. It gives me such piece of mind knowing I can rely on CAA for amazing service when on the road.”

How far will CAA tow a car?

A black car stays under trees

Jean Evans, Plus® Member since 2019. 

“I was driving to go visit my family when the clutch in my car decided to die in the middle of nowhere in northern Ontario. I was able to talk to CAA and have them tow my car to the nearest town (200km away) so I could get it fixed ASAP. CAA saved me so much stress and money. They are always there when I need them and they make road trips that much less stressful knowing that they have your back if something goes wrong.”

Will CAA unlock my car?

A Car running on the mountain road

James Chu, Plus Member since 1999. “I've locked myself out of my car a few times. Once, I was traveling to Toronto and accidentally locked my car on the side of the 401 at a truck stop and it was a cold winter day. CAA promptly came and unlocked my car in less than 30 minutes, saving my fuel and allowing me to resume my trip.” 

Does CAA have car and home insurance?

Photo of CAA Member Roslyn Richardson and her family

Rosyln Richardson, Plus Member since 1994. 

“I was amazed when I phoned for a quote on house and car insurance through CAA how much better the rates were so I switched both over and tell everyone how amazing CAA Insurance rates are and how excellent their customer service is. I recommend it to everyone and will never switch back!”


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