CAA is Canada’s Most Trusted Brand

CAA is once again Canada’s Most Trusted Brand

CAA is once again Canada’s Most Trusted Brand

Published Date:
Modified Date: September 16, 2024

1 Minute Read

If there is one thing that everyone knows about CAA, it’s that we have our Members’ backs. We are there to make sure Members are cared for when they need us, and that they get value from the services we offer.

They trust us to be there. And to be the people who make life a little better, in a million little ways. Those million little ways add up – like the recent announcement that CAA is once again Canada’s Most Trusted Brand. It’s the fourth time in five years that we’ve been given this honour by UVic’s Gustavson School of Business’, in their Annual Brand Trust study.

There are a few reasons why CAA has won again. Part of it is our organizational values and how much they matter. At CAA NEO, organizational values of trust, care, innovation and creativity are very important to us.

But it’s a sure bet that every one of those 300 surveyed companies have a list of values similar to ours. So the question isn’t whether you enumerate the values, what matters is how your company lives those values every day.

At CAA, we live those values as the “million little things”. There are literally a million little things that we have to do at CAA to make sure we fulfil our end of the bargain with members. One thing we do is make sure we give our front line staff the latitude to handle situations in the spirit that reflects those values. Another thing we do is celebrate those staff who go “over and above the call” in their work to take care of members. We also survey members (and staff) regularly about whether we are or aren’t living up to our values.

These are all check mechanisms for us, a way for us to make sure that the actions align with the words. Are we perfect? Heck no, we aren’t. That is the other way we live our values. We admit it when we don’t live them the way we should. And we do our very best to rectify, to make life a little better.

Over the course of the COVID pandemic, our Members stuck with us. In fact, our Membership grew at the highest rate of any club in North America over the past year. We like to believe it has something to do with those “million little things”.