Children are playing happily after school

CAA North & East Ontario Helps Students Succeed this Fall

CAA North & East Ontario Helps Students Succeed this Fall

Published Date:
Modified Date: September 16, 2024

1 Minute Read

Every child has the right to an education.

That’s why CAA North & East Ontario has been providing annual backpack donations to the Caring and Sharing Exchange (CSE), with ongoing support and dedication for almost a decade.

“It gives us security, knowing that we can count on your help to provide for the families on our list year after year,” says the CSE’s Leslie O’Sullivan, Communications Coordinator.

This year, more than 3,000 kids have registered with Ottawa's Sharing in Student Success Program, which aims to support low-income families by relieving them of the burdens that come with back-to-school shopping.

For that reason, CAA North & East Ontario has donated 300 Roots Canada backpacks to the program, so that they can focus a little less on finances - and more on being a kid.

The CSE believes every child deserves to return to school prepared with the necessary tools to succeed in their education. “We want these children to start off the school year with their heads held high and on equal footing with their peers, no matter their economic background,” says Leslie.

Each year, the CSE provides backpacks equipped with grade-appropriate school supplies, assisting students in need from kindergarten to eighth grade. Additionally, the CSE manages a coordination service with agencies across Ottawa implementing support programs, ensuring that each child is only helped once, in order to help as many children as possible.

This is crucial as the need for assistance is set to rise over the next few years. Currently, one in six children in Canada are already living in poverty.

“Just last week, we had 450 children on our wait list,” says Cindy Smith, Executive Director of the Caring and Sharing Exchange.

“Already that number has dropped, thanks to the amazing response we’ve received from the community so far. As donations continue to come in over the next week, we are very optimistic that we will be able to assist every child in need once again this year.”

The CSE relies solely on the generosity of donations and does not accept government funding. Any person who makes a donation to the CSE is helping both individuals and families in need, not to mention giving them a sense of hope.