Swap summer tires for winter tires

When to Change to Winter Tires

When to Change to Winter Tires

Published Date:
Modified Date: September 16, 2024

2 Minute Read

Icy roads. Slippery slush. Winter is on its way. Not sure if you should spring for winter tires this year? The answer is YES. According to Ontario’s Ministry of Transportation, all-season tires are not suitable for driving in the snow-belt and northern regions of southern Ontario and the north.

While all-season tires are fine most of the year, they prove no match for the province’s hazardous winter climate. Only winter tires provide adequate traction, braking and handling during frosty, snowy, icy and slushy weather conditions.

That’s because the rubber compound that makes up a winter tire is specially designed to stay soft in sub-zero temperatures, molding itself to the road to provide optimal traction.

The 7-for-7 Rule

Ontario’s unpredictable weather can be challenging for planning your winter tire change; it’s crucial to know when to make the tire swap. Use the 7-for-7 rule: the transition to winter tires can safely be made once there have been seven consistent days of temperatures below 7°C.

A Break on Insurance

Thinking about making the switch to winter tires? Let your CAA Auto Insurance Agent know and you’ll enjoy a 5% discount on your premium when you install four winter tires. The winter tire installation must be no later than Nov. 20, 2021 and the tires removed no earlier than Apr. 15, 2022.

CAA Mobile Tire Service

Avoid the long lineups at on-site vendors and stop Googling “tire change near me” – CAA North & East Ontario’s Mobile Tire Service is an easy and affordable, contactless, mobile tire change service exclusively for CAANEO Members.

Available in select regions of Ottawa, Sudbury, and Thunder Bay, CAA Mobile Tire Service will show up at your home or place of business to change your tires on the spot (on- or off-rim tires in Ottawa; only on-rims in Sudbury and Thunder Bay). Click here to view our service maps.

Book online at least 72 hours in advance and a CAA Mobile Tire Service technician will be dispatched to your door at the appointed time.

Powered by trusted CAA automotive partners Easy Tire, PML Auto and Truck Repair, and enTIREly Mobile; you’ll enjoy the comfort and convenience of the hassle-free mobile tire service this winter.

*Terms and conditions apply. All offers are subject to change without notice.


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