CAA Mobile Tire Service

Follow the 7-for-7 rule to change your winter tires

Follow the 7-for-7 rule to change your winter tires

Published Date:
Modified Date: September 16, 2024

1 Minute Read

The crunch of ice over puddles. The first real warmth of the sun on bare skin. And the subtle smell of damp earth coming up through the melting snow.

 Spring is full of sensory wonders, no doubt about it. But the season of renewal also brings some pretty temperamental weather with it, like a dog that can’t decide if it wants to go out, come in…or go out again.

 Warm weather can be followed by freak cold snaps and snow that arrives by 9 a.m. and is gone by 2 p.m. And that’s where the rubber hits the road when it comes to swapping out your winter tires.  

 Take them off too soon and you risk sledding across an intersection when it suddenly dips below zero. Leave them on too late and your winter tires will degrade quickly. So, when is the right time to swap?

 In north and east Ontario, the rule of thumb is 7-for-7: wait until there are seven consistent days at 7 degrees Celsius. The reverse is also true for transitioning to winter.

 Ottawa’s CAA Members can avoid the tire swap lineups at on-site vendors and save money with our economical new Mobile Tire Service. Within certain postal codes around Ottawa – the map is here – our Mobile Tire Service will show up at your home or place of business to do the job, as long as your tires are on rims. It saves money – particularly for CAA Plus® and Premier® Members, who get deeper discounts – and puts some personal time back in your pocket, too.

 Book your appointment online here (not through our call centres) and our technicians will come to you. After all, life isn’t one-size-fits-all. And neither is CAA.

 Remember, roadside emergencies happen all year round, so drop by your nearest CAA Store for curbside pickup of the CAA Roadside Hazard Kit – just $50.96 or $59.95 for non-members.

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