CAA roadside technician loading a bicycle onto a CAA light service truck

CAA now has Bike Assist and it’s a game-changer

Published Date:
Modified Date: September 16, 2024

2 Minute Read

When it comes to lifestyles, Caitlin Charter and Angella Goran couldn’t be more different.

One is a mother of two, the other is an elite cyclist and triathlete. One tries to figure out how to convince a four-year-old to eat healthy meals, the other sees food as fuel for performance.  

But there is one thing they do have in common: planning for what happens if they’re stuck while out cycling. For Caitlin, it’s the thought of having two kids and three bikes to contend with; for Angella, breaking down on a solo training sprint is always front of mind.

Fortunately, they also have a common solution. CAA Members at all levels have access to Bike Assist, a roadside assistance service for cyclists. If a Member runs into trouble, they can call for a simple repair or to transport the bike to safety, based on the towing radius of their Membership level. (Currently, with COVID-19, CAA is unable to also transport members in the trucks.)

For Angella, a CAA Plus® Member, Bike Assist is a potential lifesaver. “Every cyclist going out on a solo ride should have a backup plan for the ‘just in case’ moments,” she says.
“When heading out for a ride alone or with others, I always use the train of thought to think, ‘what could happen and am I prepared for it?’ Too many people rely on thinking others will help them if they get a flat. Having my CAA Membership and the CAA Mobile App on my phone is part of a good game plan.”

Caitlin, who also works for CAA, says that Bike Assist is like having “Mom Insurance” in her back pocket.

“As long as the bike is accessible by road, the CAA truck will come and, depending on the issue, either do a repair or tow the bike. There are some exclusions – drivers can’t cut bike locks – but it’s really a great way for CAA to offer service to younger Members and young families,” she says.

“As we say at work, ‘Life isn’t one-size-fits-all. Neither is CAA.’”

Want to know more about CAA Bike Assist? Click here.

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