car driving on a winter road in forest

6 Essential winter driving tips

Published Date:
Modified Date: September 16, 2024

1 Minute Read

Winter driving can be a challenge for even the most experienced drivers. Heavy snowfall, combined with cold temperatures and early nightfall, can make for dangerous road conditions. Here are the most important tips to help you stay safe when weather and road conditions are hazardous.

1. Never drive when you’re tired. Get the proper amount of rest before you head out.

2. Ensure your tires are properly inflated. Check and re-check that your tires are roadworthy before getting behind the wheel.

3. Keep your gas tank at least half full to avoid gas-line freeze-up.

4. Do not use cruise control when driving on any slippery surface that is wet, icy or sandy.

5. Slow down. It takes longer to stop on icy roads. Give yourself plenty of time to get where you’re going.

6. Keep an emergency kit in your vehicle. Some items to include are a blanket, flashlight, non-perishable food items and first aid supplies. Check out your nearest CAA Store for the CAA Winter Hazard Kit, which comes pre-assembled with everything you need.

Help is on the way!

The CAA Emergency Road Service (ERS) team is well equipped to deal with all road conditions. But higher call volumes on significantly colder days (below -21ºC) or during snow storms can cause delays. Fortunately, there are a few things Members can do to ensure speedier service for themselves and others. During cold snaps and snow squalls, please remember to:

  • Keep driveways clear of snow and ice for easier accessibility
  • Clear your vehicle of snow before service; falling snow can be hazardous to other vehicles
  • If your vehicle is equipped with a block heater, use it regularly
  • Have patience. CAA prioritizes Members stranded in unsafe locations (with nowhere to go to keep warm), followed by Members who are safe. Though wait times can increase during peak periods, CAA will never leave anyone stranded in an emergency situation.

Remember that if wait times are too long during high call volume days, CAA Members may contact their own service and apply for considered reimbursement at CAA’s prevailing rates (terms and conditions apply).

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